torsdag 13 december 2012

Ahoy Sailor!

Ahoy Sailor! (Relatively) Quick sketch/doodle. It was fun!
Supersaturated moon.
Pleiades, first try! Did unfortunately not catch the ever so
 wonderful  gas clouds, but did capture a lot of faint stars.
Last but not least, M42, second try! Much, much much more detail this time around. Feels good.

torsdag 15 november 2012


The night sky is so ridiculously beautiful. Taking photos during the night can take a lot of patience and really warm clothes, but it's so damn worth it. Do it if you're even remotely interested. All you need is a DSLR and a tripod and you're set to go.

If you don't own a DSLR then just go out on a clear night and watch the stars. It's magnificent.

torsdag 25 oktober 2012


Got inspired and tried to recreate the style in this guy's images, but I decided to do it in Unity3d. Didn't take long and was pretty darn simple. Might try to work on this artstyle a bit more.

fredag 12 oktober 2012


Finally got ahold of that damn Scanner. It's terriffic. There's so many sketches I've done on paper that could be totally great. Keep tuned for more.

tisdag 9 oktober 2012

Was inspired by Anthony Jones to learn ZBrush the other day. Here's my first experiment. I love ZBrush.

onsdag 3 oktober 2012

torsdag 27 september 2012

More landscaping.

Great fun!

Café Sketching

I spend a lot of time in café's when I'm bored. Usually sketching and doodling just stuff. Characters mainly though. I mostly use a black-ink gel-pencil for this and I love it.

Please excuse the shitty cameraphone pictures. I don't have access to a scanner in my dormroom. Hopefully I might soon in the future though.

tisdag 18 september 2012

Whoah! Haven't posted all summer. Anyone who's following: I am truly sorry.
Anyway, lot's have happened since last. I've moved to a dorm in Lund and it's great fun and my first days of uni has seen the light. I'm studying Character Design, Sketching and Virtual Reality. If you ever get the chance to visit the Virual Reality-lab at IKDC in Lund you should definately do it. It's fantastic.

Anyway, here's stuff:

torsdag 28 juni 2012

Been a while since update. Here's what I've been up to.